Developmental EEG Data

This notebook analyzes a large dataset of EEG, collected from a developmental sample.

Dataset Details

This analysis uses the MIPDB dataset from the ChildMind Institute.

Note that the pre-processing of the data as available in the dataset, doing data cleaning and calculating power spectra, is done external to this project.

# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fooof import FOOOFGroup
from fooof.utils import trim_spectrum
from fooof.objs import combine_fooofs
from neurodsp.utils import create_times
from neurodsp.spectral import compute_spectrum
from neurodsp.plts import plot_time_series, plot_power_spectra
from neurodsp.plts.utils import make_axes
from bootstrap import bootstrap_diff
# Import custom project code
from import APMDB, get_files, load_pickle
from import load_eeg_dev_info
from apm.analysis import compute_avgs
from apm.analysis.corrs import (compute_all_corrs, compute_corrs_to_feature,
                                unpack_corrs, compute_reg_var)
from apm.plts import plot_dots, plot_corr_matrix
from apm.plts.results import plot_topo
from apm.plts.multi import plot_results_all, plot_topo_row
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver, plot_colorbar
from apm.plts.settings import LABELS
from apm.utils import format_corr
# Import dataset settings from script
import sys; from pathlib import Path;
sys.path.append(str(Path('..').resolve() / 'scripts'))
from scripts.analyze_eeg2 import DATA_FOLDER, FS

Set Up Paths

# Define load path
db = APMDB()
LOADPATH = db.data_path / 'eeg2'
# Check the set of results files available for this dataset


# Set time of loaded data
n_seconds = 30
# Define times vector for data
times = create_times(n_seconds + 1 / FS, FS)
# Add plot kwargs
dot_kwargs = {
    's' : 24,
    'alpha' : 0.7,
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = db.figs_path / '52_dev_data'

# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Define topography vlims for each measure
vlims = {
    'autocorr_decay_time' : (0.01, 0.12),
    'dfa' : (0.75, 1.25),
    'higuchi_fd' : (1.4, 1.75),
    'hjorth_complexity' : (4.5, 5.75),
    'lempelziv' : (375, 450),
    'sample_entropy' : (0.75, 1.05),
    'perm_entropy' : (2.4, 2.55),
    'irasa' : (1.5, 1.95),
    'specparam' : (1.5, 1.95),

Load Data

# Load group data
group_data = np.load(DATA_FOLDER / 'MIPDB_extracted_block.npy')
# Check the size of the dataset
n_subjs, n_blocks, n_chs, n_times = group_data.shape
print('# of subjects: \t', n_subjs)
print('# of blocks: \t', n_blocks)
print('# of channels: \t', n_chs)
# of subjects: 	 111
# of blocks: 	 5
# of channels: 	 111
# Load metadata
ages = np.load(DATA_FOLDER / 'ages.npy')
# Sub-select the first block of data
group_data = np.squeeze(group_data[:, 0, :, :])
# Load MNE info object for the current dataset
info = load_eeg_dev_info(DATA_FOLDER)

Data Checks

# Set example subject index
subj_ind = 2
# Set example channel index
chi = 110
# Check example channel label
# Plot a segment of time series data
plot_time_series(times, group_data[subj_ind, chi], xlim=[5, 10], lw=1., figsize=(12, 1))
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('eeg2_timeseries.pdf'))
# Compute a power spectrum of an example
freqs, powers = compute_spectrum(group_data[subj_ind, chi], FS, nperseg=2*FS, noverlap=FS)
# Plot power spectrum of example signal
plot_power_spectra(*trim_spectrum(freqs, powers, [3, 40]), minorticks=False, 
                   xticks=[5, 10, 25], xticklabels=[5, 10, 25], yticks=[],
                   figsize=(4.25, 4), **fsaver('eeg2_psd'))

Check Spectral Fits

# Load specparam measures
all_fgs = []
temp = FOOOFGroup()
for fres in get_files(LOADPATH / 'specparam'):
    temp.load(fres, LOADPATH / 'specparam')
fg = combine_fooofs(all_fgs)
# Check overall group results
                                       FOOOF - GROUP RESULTS                                      
                           Number of power spectra in the Group: 12321                            
                        The model was run on the frequency range 3 - 40 Hz                        
                                 Frequency Resolution is 0.50 Hz                                  
                              Power spectra were fit without a knee.                              
                                      Aperiodic Fit Values:                                       
                        Exponents - Min: -0.449, Max:  2.924, Mean: 1.685                         
                        In total 64398 peaks were extracted from the group                        
                                     Goodness of fit metrics:                                     
                            R2s -  Min:  0.107, Max:  0.996, Mean: 0.977                          
                         Errors -  Min:  0.025, Max:  0.170, Mean: 0.061                          

Load Results

# Load precomputed group results
group_results = load_pickle('eeg2_results', LOADPATH)
# Check size of computed results [n_subjs, n_chs]
(111, 111)
# Load precomputed peak results
group_results_peaks = load_pickle('eeg2_results_peaks', LOADPATH)

Check Measures & Labels

# Check list of computed measures
['autocorr_decay_time', 'dfa', 'higuchi_fd', 'hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy', 'irasa', 'specparam']
# Collect list of exponent & timeseries measure labels
exp_measures = ['specparam', 'irasa']
ts_measures = list(group_results.keys())
[ts_measures.remove(meas) for meas in exp_measures];
# Collect labels for time series measures
ts_labels = [LABELS[meas] for meas in ts_measures]

Extract Measures for Example Channel

# Sub-select results to channel of interest
results = {key : val[:, chi] for key, val in group_results.items()}
results_peaks = {key : val[:, chi] for key, val in group_results_peaks.items()}
# Compute correlations for selected channel
all_corrs = compute_all_corrs(results)

Compare Exponent Measures

# Plot the comparison of specparam and IRASA exponent estimations
plot_dots(results['specparam'], results['irasa'], **dot_kwargs, figsize=(4.5, 4),
          xlim=[0.75, 2.75], ylim=[0.75, 2.75], tposition='tl', expected=[0, 3],
          xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent (SP)', ylabel='Aperiodic Exponent (SP)',
# Check correlation between specparam and irasa exponent estimates
print('  SP-EXP & IR-EXP:  ', format_corr(*all_corrs['specparam']['irasa']))
  SP-EXP & IR-EXP:   r=+0.950  CI[+0.919, +0.965],  p=0.000

Compare Exponent to Time Series Measures

# Plot comparisons between exponent and time series measures
axes = make_axes(1, len(ts_measures), figsize=(26, 4), wspace=0.1)
for ind, meas in enumerate(ts_measures):
    plot_dots(results['specparam'], results[meas],
              **dot_kwargs, tposition='tr' if not ind == 6 else 'br',
              xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel=LABELS[meas], ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('exp_ts_scatters.pdf'))
# Check the correlations between time series and exponent measures
for meas in ts_measures:
    print('    SP-EXP:  ', format_corr(*all_corrs['specparam'][meas]))
    print('    IR-EXP:  ', format_corr(*all_corrs['irasa'][meas]))
    SP-EXP:   r=+0.032  CI[-0.176, +0.232],  p=0.741
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.075  CI[-0.280, +0.136],  p=0.434
    SP-EXP:   r=-0.405  CI[-0.551, -0.241],  p=0.000
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.493  CI[-0.631, -0.338],  p=0.000
    SP-EXP:   r=-0.407  CI[-0.556, -0.227],  p=0.000
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.486  CI[-0.632, -0.311],  p=0.000
    SP-EXP:   r=+0.461  CI[+0.292, +0.599],  p=0.000
    IR-EXP:   r=+0.467  CI[+0.309, +0.603],  p=0.000
    SP-EXP:   r=-0.413  CI[-0.561, -0.240],  p=0.000
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.409  CI[-0.555, -0.248],  p=0.000
    SP-EXP:   r=-0.423  CI[-0.560, -0.258],  p=0.000
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.430  CI[-0.563, -0.272],  p=0.000
    SP-EXP:   r=-0.073  CI[-0.258, +0.113],  p=0.445
    IR-EXP:   r=-0.099  CI[-0.281, +0.092],  p=0.301

Compare Time Series Measures to Each Other

# Plot multi-panel plot comparing all time series measures to each other
plot_results_all(results, ts_measures)


# Subselect time domain measures
all_corrs_ts = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs.items() if ke not in exp_measures}
# Plot correlation matrix between time series measures
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts), cbar=False, figsize=(5, 5),
                 xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('subj_corrs_ts'))
# Extract the correlations between specparam and time domain measures
exp_corrs_subjs = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlation of time series measures to exponent
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs_subjs, cbar=False, figsize=(1.5, 5), **fsaver('subj_corrs_exp'))

Compare to Alpha Power

# Compute correlations between aperiodic measures and alpha power
alpha_corrs = compute_corrs_to_feature(results, results_peaks['alpha_power'])
# # Compute differences between correlations to alpha
# alpha_corr_diffs = compute_diffs_to_feature(results, results_peaks['alpha_power'])
# Check the correlations between alpha power and aperiodic measures
print('Correlations with alpha:')
for label in alpha_corrs.keys():
    print('     {:20s}:  '.format(label), format_corr(*alpha_corrs[label]))
Correlations with alpha:
     autocorr_decay_time :   r=-0.189  CI[-0.381, +0.018],  p=0.046
     dfa                 :   r=-0.484  CI[-0.621, -0.328],  p=0.000
     higuchi_fd          :   r=-0.609  CI[-0.715, -0.476],  p=0.000
     hjorth_complexity   :   r=+0.279  CI[+0.104, +0.440],  p=0.003
     lempelziv           :   r=-0.262  CI[-0.426, -0.084],  p=0.005
     sample_entropy      :   r=-0.370  CI[-0.517, -0.203],  p=0.000
     perm_entropy        :   r=-0.487  CI[-0.618, -0.322],  p=0.000
     irasa               :   r=+0.418  CI[+0.243, +0.564],  p=0.000
     specparam           :   r=+0.314  CI[+0.140, +0.476],  p=0.001
# Organize correlations between alpha and time domain measures
alpha_corrs_ts = np.atleast_2d([alpha_corrs[label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlations between alpha and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(alpha_corrs_ts, cbar=False, figsize=(1.5, 5), **fsaver('subj_corrs_alpha'))

Check Age Relationship

# Compute the correlations between each measure and age
age_corrs = compute_corrs_to_feature(results, ages)
# # Compute the differences between measure-to-age correlations
# age_corr_diffs = compute_diffs_to_feature(results, ages)

Check Correlations with Age

# Check the correlations between age and aperiodic measures
print('Correlations with age:')
for label in age_corrs.keys():
    print('     {:20s}:  '.format(label), format_corr(*age_corrs[label]))
Correlations with age:
     autocorr_decay_time :   r=-0.146  CI[-0.330, +0.039],  p=0.125
     dfa                 :   r=+0.127  CI[-0.051, +0.298],  p=0.184
     higuchi_fd          :   r=+0.157  CI[-0.027, +0.323],  p=0.101
     hjorth_complexity   :   r=-0.218  CI[-0.392, -0.033],  p=0.021
     lempelziv           :   r=+0.213  CI[+0.028, +0.381],  p=0.025
     sample_entropy      :   r=+0.297  CI[+0.121, +0.453],  p=0.002
     perm_entropy        :   r=+0.194  CI[+0.015, +0.371],  p=0.042
     irasa               :   r=-0.469  CI[-0.597, -0.318],  p=0.000
     specparam           :   r=-0.519  CI[-0.635, -0.381],  p=0.000

Exponent - Age Relationships

# Plot the relationship between exponent (SP) and age
plot_dots(ages, results['specparam'], **dot_kwargs, figsize=(4.5, 4),
          xlabel='Age', ylabel='Aperiodic Exponent (SP)', **fsaver('eeg2_exp_sp_age_corr'))
# Check the relationship between aperiodic exponent and age
axes = make_axes(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), wspace=0.25)
plot_dots(ages, results['specparam'], **dot_kwargs, ax=axes[0],
          xlabel='Age', ylabel='Aperiodic Exponent (SP)')
plot_dots(ages, results['irasa'], **dot_kwargs, ax=axes[1],
          xlabel='Age', ylabel='Aperiodic Exponent (IR)')
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('mipdb_exp_age.pdf'))

Time Domain - Age Relationships

# Check the relationship between time domain measures and age
axes = make_axes(1, len(ts_measures), figsize=(30, 4), wspace=0.05)
for ind, meas in enumerate(ts_measures):
    plot_dots(ages, results[meas], **dot_kwargs, tposition='tr' if not ind == 6 else 'br',
              xlabel='Age', ylabel=LABELS[meas], ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('eeg2_ts_age.pdf'))

Partial Age Correlations

# Compute residualized versions of measures (remove specparam)
results_res = {meas : compute_reg_var(results[meas], results['specparam']) for meas in ts_measures}
# Compute the correlations between each measure and age
age_corrs_res = compute_corrs_to_feature(results_res, ages)
# Check the correlations between age and partialed aperiodic measures
print('Correlations with age:')
for label in age_corrs_res.keys():
    print('     {:20s}:  '.format(label), format_corr(*age_corrs_res[label]))
Correlations with age:
     autocorr_decay_time :   r=-0.257  CI[-0.439, -0.068],  p=0.006
     dfa                 :   r=-0.069  CI[-0.243, +0.109],  p=0.470
     higuchi_fd          :   r=-0.017  CI[-0.196, +0.170],  p=0.860
     hjorth_complexity   :   r=-0.035  CI[-0.229, +0.160],  p=0.712
     lempelziv           :   r=+0.022  CI[-0.161, +0.205],  p=0.818
     sample_entropy      :   r=+0.087  CI[-0.102, +0.270],  p=0.364
     perm_entropy        :   r=+0.135  CI[-0.048, +0.312],  p=0.159
# Check the relationship between time domain measures and age
axes = make_axes(1, len(ts_measures), figsize=(30, 4), wspace=0.05)
for ind, meas in enumerate(ts_measures):
    plot_dots(ages, results_res[meas],
              **dot_kwargs, tposition='tr' if not ind == 6 else 'br',
              xlabel='Age', ylabel=LABELS[meas], ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('eeg2_ts_age_partial.pdf'))
# Compute the bootstrapped difference tests between correlations
print('Partial correlations differences:')
for label in ts_measures:
    print('     {:20s}:  '.format(label),
          format_corr(*bootstrap_diff(ages, results[label], results_res[label])))
Partial correlations differences:
     autocorr_decay_time :   r=+0.111  CI[+0.046, +0.186],  p=0.000
     dfa                 :   r=+0.196  CI[+0.113, +0.275],  p=0.000
     higuchi_fd          :   r=+0.173  CI[+0.099, +0.246],  p=0.000
     hjorth_complexity   :   r=-0.183  CI[-0.262, -0.099],  p=0.000
     lempelziv           :   r=+0.191  CI[+0.113, +0.272],  p=0.000
     sample_entropy      :   r=+0.210  CI[+0.117, +0.303],  p=0.000
     perm_entropy        :   r=+0.059  CI[+0.031, +0.090],  p=0.000

Spatial Analyses

Compute Measures Across Channels

# Compute the group average topographies
group_avg = compute_avgs(group_results)

Exponent Topographies

# Plot the group average topographies for the exponent measures
plot_topo_row(group_avg, exp_measures, info, vlims=vlims, wspace=0.2, **fsaver('exp_topos'))
# Create colorbar for the aperiodic exponent topographies
plot_colorbar('Aperiodic Exponent', *vlims['specparam'], 
              **fsaver('colorbar_eeg2_exp'), close=True)
# Compute correlation between exponent topographies
exp_spatial_corr = compute_all_corrs({meas: group_avg[meas] for meas in exp_measures})
# Check correlation between specparam and irasa exponent estimates
print('  SP-EXP & IR-EXP:  ', format_corr(*exp_spatial_corr['specparam']['irasa']))
  SP-EXP & IR-EXP:   r=+0.973  CI[+0.955, +0.981],  p=0.000

Time Series Measure Topographies

# Plot the group average topographies for the time domain measures
plot_topo_row(group_avg, ts_measures, info, vlims=vlims, wspace=0.25)

Spatial Correlations

# Load precomputed group correlation results
group_corrs = load_pickle('eeg2_spatial_corrs', LOADPATH)
# Unpack correlations for plotting
group_corrs_mat = unpack_corrs(group_corrs)
# Unpack correlations for plotting, and compute mask
mask = np.triu(group_corrs_mat)
labels = list(group_corrs.keys())
# Plot the correlation matrix of spatial topographies
plot_corr_matrix(group_corrs_mat, cbar=False, figsize=(5, 5),
                 xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('spatial_corrs_ts'))
# Load precomputed group exponent correlation results
group_exp_corrs = load_pickle('eeg2_spatial_exp_corrs', LOADPATH)
# Organize the correlations between the exponent and time domain measures
exp_corr_mat = np.atleast_2d([group_exp_corrs[label][0] for label in group_exp_corrs]).T
# Plot the correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corr_mat, cbar=False, figsize=(1.5, 5), **fsaver('spatial_corrs_exp'))

Alpha Power Topography

# Compute the average alpha topography across the group
group_avg_peaks = compute_avgs(group_results_peaks)
# Check range of alpha power values
amin, amax = np.min(group_avg_peaks['alpha_power']), np.max(group_avg_peaks['alpha_power'])
amin, amax
(-0.2274266529501394, 0.8801155434513204)
# Set alpha vlimits
alpha_vlim = (-0.20, 0.90)
# Plot the average alpha topography across the group
plot_topo(group_avg_peaks['alpha_power'], info, vlim=alpha_vlim)
# Create colorbar for the aperiodic exponent topographies
plot_colorbar('Alpha Power (uV**2)', *alpha_vlim, figsize=(2.65, 7),
              **fsaver('colorbar_eeg1_alpha'), close=True)
# Load precomputed correlations between aperiodic measures and alpha power
group_alpha_corrs = load_pickle('eeg2_spatial_alpha_corrs', LOADPATH)
# # Load precomputed differences between correlations between aperiodic measures and alpha power
# group_alpha_corr_diffs = load_pickle('eeg2_spatial_alpha_corr_diffs', LOADPATH)
# Organize the alpha correlations
alpha_corr_mat = np.atleast_2d([group_alpha_corrs[label][0] for label in group_alpha_corrs]).T
# Plot the correlations between alpha activity and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(alpha_corr_mat, cbar=False, figsize=(1.5, 5), **fsaver('spatial_corrs_alpha'))


Interim conclusions from this analysis:

  • specparam & IRASA estimates are consistent in this dataset

  • aperiodic exponent is moderately correlated with time domain measures

Notably, these findings are a replication of the same analyses on the previous EEG dataset.

In addition, in this larger dataset, we could analyze the relationship between our measures of interest, and age, finding that:

  • specparam & IRASA estimates of exponent are equivalently correlated with age

  • time domain measures are more moderately correlated with age than exponent measures