Fluctuation Analyses
Fluctuation Analyses¶
This notebook covers ‘fluctuation’ analyses, which examine patterns of fluctuations in time series.
This notebook covers:
The Hurst Exponent
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
from neurodsp.sim import sim_powerlaw, sim_synaptic_current, sim_combined
from neurodsp.aperiodic.conversions import convert_exponent_alpha
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
# Import custom project code
from apm.io import APMDB
from apm.run import run_sims, run_sims_load
from apm.methods import hurst, dfa
from apm.methods.settings import HURST_PARAMS, DFA_PARAMS
from apm.plts.sims import plot_ap_sims, plot_pe_sims, plot_sims_two
from apm.plts.settings import COLORS
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver
from apm.sim.examples import get_examples, check_examples
from apm.sim.settings import N_SIMS
from apm.sim.defs import SIM_ITERS
# Get current sampling rate
fs = SIM_ITERS.fs
# Add data specific settings to method settings
HURST_PARAMS['fs'] = fs
DFA_PARAMS['fs'] = fs
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = APMDB().figs_path / '22_fluctuations'
# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Set the random seed
# Define collection of example signals
examples = get_examples()
Hurst Exponent¶
The Hurst exponent is a method for measuring the self-similarity of a signal.
# Check Hurst exponent settings
{'fs': 250, 'n_scales': 10, 'min_scale': 0.1, 'max_scale': 2.0}
Hurst Exponent on Example Signals¶
Compute the Hurst exponent on some example signals.
# Define expected values for Hurst estimation
hurst_expected = {}
hurst_expected['powerlaw'] = 0.5
# Check the calculated hurst exponent, and the expected value
check_examples(examples, hurst, HURST_PARAMS, 'Hurst exponent', hurst_expected)
Computed Hurst exponent:
powerlaw : 0.5378 0.50
synaptic : 0.5766
knee : 0.5475
oscillation : -0.0033
burst : nan
combined : 0.5027
comb_burst : 0.5049
comb_peak : 0.4780
/Users/tom/opt/anaconda3/envs/apm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/neurodsp/aperiodic/dfa.py:138: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
rs_win = np.ptp(segments, axis=0) / np.std(split_signal(sig, win_len).T, axis=0)
Hurst Exponent: Aperiodic Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating Hurst across exponents
hurst_sims_exp = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_ITERS['ap_exp'], hurst, HURST_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Run simulations calculating Hurst across exponents, with an oscillation
hurst_sims_comb = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['comb_exp'], hurst, HURST_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Plot Hurst exponent estimates across aperiodic variations
plot_ap_sims(hurst_sims_exp, hurst_sims_comb, 'Hurst Exponent', **fsaver('hurst_ap'))

Hurst Exponent: Periodic Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across oscillation frequencies
hurst_sims_freq = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['osc_freq'], hurst, HURST_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across oscillation power
hurst_sims_pow = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['osc_pow'], hurst, HURST_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Plot Hurst exponent estimates across periodic variations
plot_pe_sims(hurst_sims_freq, hurst_sims_pow, 'Hurst Exponent', **fsaver('hurst_pe'))

Hurst Exponent: Knee Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across different timescales
hurst_sims_tscales = run_sims(sim_synaptic_current, SIM_ITERS['syn_tscales'],
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across different knee parameters (sims from file)
hurst_sims_knee = run_sims_load('ap-knee-' + str(fs), hurst, HURST_PARAMS)
# Plot the estimated hurst exponent across different timescales & knees
plot_sims_two(SIM_ITERS['syn_tscales'].values, hurst_sims_tscales, 'Timescale',
SIM_ITERS['kn_knee'].values, hurst_sims_knee, 'Knee Parameter',
ylabel='Hurst Exponent', color=COLORS['KN'], **fsaver('hurst_kn_vars'))

Hurst Exponent: Periodic Variations¶
Variations: oscillations bandwidth & burst probability.
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across peak bandwidth (sims from file)
hurst_sims_bw = run_sims_load('comb-bw-' + str(fs), hurst, HURST_PARAMS)
# Run simulations calculating Hurst Exponent across burst probabilities
hurst_sims_burst = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['comb_burst'],
# Plot the estimated hurst exponent across periodic variations
plot_sims_two(SIM_ITERS['peak_bw'].values, hurst_sims_bw, 'Bandwidth',
SIM_ITERS['comb_burst'].values, hurst_sims_burst, 'Burst Probability',
ylabel='Hurst Exponent', color=COLORS['BW'], **fsaver('hurst_pe_vars'))

Detrended Fluctuation Analysis¶
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis is a method for measuring the self-similarity of a signal, and can be applied to measure properties of 1/f-distributed signals.
DFA measures an output value, \(\alpha\) which can be interpreted as:
\(\alpha\) < 0.5 anti-correlated signal
\(\alpha\) ~= 0.5: uncorrelated / white noise
\(\alpha\) > 0.5: correlated
For example: pink noise (\(1/f^1\)) ~= 1 & brown noise (\(1/f^2\)) ~= 1.5
The DFA measure \(\alpha\), should relate to the power spectrum exponent \(f^\chi\) as:
\(\chi\) = 2\(\alpha\) - 1 or
\(\alpha\) = (\(\chi\) + 1) / 2
# Check DFA settings
{'fs': 250, 'n_scales': 10, 'min_scale': 0.1, 'max_scale': 2.0, 'deg': 1}
DFA on Example Signals¶
# Define expected values for DFA exponent estimation
dfa_expected = {}
dfa_expected['powerlaw'] = convert_exponent_alpha(SIM_ITERS.params['ap']['exponent'])
# Check the computed DFA exponents on some example signals
check_examples(examples, dfa, DFA_PARAMS, 'DFA exponent', dfa_expected)
Computed DFA exponent:
powerlaw : 0.8164 1.00
synaptic : 0.6384
knee : 0.6589
oscillation : 0.0078
burst : 0.0953
combined : 0.6173
comb_burst : 0.7456
comb_peak : 0.6221
DFA Simulations: Aperiodic Variations¶
# Calculate the expected DFA exponent value for each powerlaw exponent
expected_dfa = [convert_exponent_alpha(exp) for exp in SIM_ITERS._iters['ap_exp']['values']]
# Run simulations calculating DFA across exponents
dfa_sims_exp = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_ITERS['ap_exp'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Run simulations calculating DFA across exponents, with an oscillation
dfa_sims_comb = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['comb_exp'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
Plot Aperiodic & Combined Together¶
# Plot DFA measures across exponents
plot_ap_sims(dfa_sims_exp, dfa_sims_comb, 'DFA Exponent',
expected=expected_dfa, **fsaver('dfa_ap'))

DFA Simulations: Periodic Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating DFA across oscillation frequencies
dfa_sims_freq = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['osc_freq'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Run simulations calculating DFA across oscillation power
dfa_sims_pow = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['osc_pow'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on DFA exponent
plot_pe_sims(dfa_sims_freq, dfa_sims_pow, 'DFA Exponent', **fsaver('dfa_pe'))

DFA Simulations: Knee Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating DFA Exponent across different timescales
dfa_sims_tscales = run_sims(sim_synaptic_current, SIM_ITERS['syn_tscales'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Run simulations calculating DFA Exponent across different knee parameters (sims from file)
dfa_sims_knee = run_sims_load('ap-knee-' + str(fs), dfa, DFA_PARAMS)
# Plot the estimated DFA Exponent across different timescales & knees
plot_sims_two(SIM_ITERS['syn_tscales'].values, dfa_sims_tscales, 'Timescale',
SIM_ITERS['kn_knee'].values, dfa_sims_knee, 'Knee Parameter',
ylabel='DFA Exponent', color=COLORS['KN'], **fsaver('dfa_kn_vars'))

DFA Simulations: Periodic Variations¶
# Run simulations calculating DFA Exponent across peak bandwidth (sims from file)
dfa_sims_bw = run_sims_load('comb-bw-' + str(fs), dfa, DFA_PARAMS)
# Run simulations calculating DFA Exponent across burst probabilities
dfa_sims_burst = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_ITERS['comb_burst'], dfa, DFA_PARAMS, N_SIMS)
# Plot the estimated DFA Exponent across periodic variations
plot_sims_two(SIM_ITERS['peak_bw'].values, dfa_sims_bw, 'Bandwidth',
SIM_ITERS['comb_burst'].values, dfa_sims_burst, 'Burst Probability',
ylabel='DFA Exponent', color=COLORS['BW'], **fsaver('dfa_pe_vars'))

Overall, we can see the following patterns in these simulations:
Hurst Exponent:
has a parabolic relationship with aperiodic exponent, maximal at an exponent of -1
is less affected by oscillation, increasing slightly with increasing frequency or power
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis:
the estimated DFA increases with increasing aperiodic exponent
the expected DFA results is well estimated across a range \(\chi\) from ~ 0 to 2
the empirical DFA becomes less close the expected for increasing exponent values
when an oscillation is present, the expected DFA value (for the 1/f) is decreases (is under-estimated)
there is a complex relationship between estimated DFA and oscillation frequency
estimated DFA decreases with increasing oscillation power