Within Method Type Comparisons
Within Method Type Comparisons¶
This notebooks runs a set of comparisons across methods, within method types (eg. comparing different complexity measures to each other).
It does so for the following method categories (that have multiple methods):
Fractal Dimension
# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
import numpy as np
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
# Import custom project code
from apm.io import APMDB
from apm.run import run_comparisons
from apm.analysis import compute_all_corrs
from apm.plts import plot_dots
from apm.plts.multi import plot_results_all
from apm.plts.settings import COLORS
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver
from apm.methods import (hurst, dfa, higuchi_fd, katz_fd, petrosian_fd,
hjorth_mobility, hjorth_complexity, lempelziv,
app_entropy, sample_entropy, perm_entropy, wperm_entropy)
from apm.methods.settings import (HURST_PARAMS, DFA_PARAMS,
from apm.utils import print_corr_combs
from apm.sim.defs import SIM_SAMPLERS
# Settings for running comparisons
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = APMDB().figs_path / '41_within_comp'
# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Collect together info & plot settings
dot_kwargs = {'s' : 25, 'alpha' : 0.25}
# Update data specific settings
# Set the random seed
# Define measures to apply - fluctuations
measures_fluc = {
# Run simulations, comparing fluctuation measures
results_fluc, all_sim_params_fluc = run_comparisons(\
sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures_fluc, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Compute correlations across all measures, as well as with & without oscillations
all_corrs_fluc = compute_all_corrs(results_fluc)
all_corrs_osc_fluc = compute_all_corrs(results_fluc, all_sim_params_fluc['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc_fluc = compute_all_corrs(results_fluc, ~all_sim_params_fluc['has_osc'].values)
# Plot comparisons
cs = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params_fluc.has_osc]
plot_dots(results_fluc['hurst'], results_fluc['dfa'], tposition='br', c=cs, **dot_kwargs,
xlabel='Hurst Exponent', ylabel='DFA Exponent', figsize=(5, 4), **fsaver('fluc_comp'))

# Print correlations between different fluctuation measures
HE & DFA : r=+0.121 CI[+0.041, +0.202], p=0.000
Fluctuations Notes¶
The relationship between fluctuations measures (Hurst Exponent and DFA) is non-linear and there does not appear to be a clear / direct mapping between the two. Despite the similarities of these methods, they seem be fairly different in what they measure in the data.
Fractal Dimension¶
# Define measures to apply - fractal dimension
measures_fd = {
higuchi_fd : HFD_PARAMS,
katz_fd : KFD_PARAMS,
petrosian_fd : PFD_PARAMS,
# Run simulations, comparing fractal dimension measures
results_fd, all_sim_params_fd = run_comparisons(\
sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures_fd, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Compute correlations across all measures, as well as with & without oscillations
all_corrs_fd = compute_all_corrs(results_fd)
all_corrs_osc_fd = compute_all_corrs(results_fd, all_sim_params_fd['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc_fd = compute_all_corrs(results_fd, ~all_sim_params_fd['has_osc'].values)
# Plot comparisons across fractal dimension measures
tpos = np.array([['tl', None], ['tl', 'br']])
cs = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params_fd.has_osc]
plot_results_all(results_fd, figsize=(9, 7), tposition=tpos, c=cs,
**dot_kwargs, **fsaver('fractal_comp'))

# Print correlations between different fractal measures
HFD & KFD : r=+0.763 CI[+0.731, +0.790], p=0.000
HFD & PFD : r=+0.470 CI[+0.406, +0.529], p=0.000
KFD & PFD : r=+0.765 CI[+0.739, +0.788], p=0.000
Fractal Dimension Notes¶
Overall, there is a general consistency across the fractal dimension measures, notably that they are positively correlated with each other. In this sense they are quite consistent, though note that the actual magnitudes of the estimates vary significantly across the different methods.
# Define measures to apply - complexity
measures_cp = {
hjorth_mobility : HJM_PARAMS,
hjorth_complexity : HJC_PARAMS,
lempelziv : LZ_PARAMS,
# Run simulations, comparing complexity measures
results_cp, all_sim_params_cp = run_comparisons(\
sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures_cp, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Compute correlations across all measures, as well as with & without oscillations
all_corrs_cp = compute_all_corrs(results_cp)
all_corrs_osc_cp = compute_all_corrs(results_cp, all_sim_params_cp['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc_cp = compute_all_corrs(results_cp, ~all_sim_params_cp['has_osc'].values)
# Plot comparisons across complexity measures
tpos = np.array([['tr', None], ['tl', 'tr']])
cs = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params_cp.has_osc]
plot_results_all(results_cp, figsize=(9, 7), tposition=tpos, c=cs,
**dot_kwargs, **fsaver('compl_comp'))

# Print correlations between different complexity measures
HJM & HJC : r=-0.904 CI[-0.920, -0.884], p=0.000
HJM & LZC : r=+0.985 CI[+0.981, +0.988], p=0.000
HJC & LZC : r=-0.849 CI[-0.874, -0.820], p=0.000
Complexity Notes¶
The complexity methods included here are quite highly correlated with each other, though notably in varying directions. Notably, all the relationships between estimates are quite non-linear. Overall, this suggests that while they capture similar aspects of the data, there is a not a direct one-to-one mapping between the different measures, and also the scales appear to go in different directions across different measures.
# Define measures to apply - entropy
measures_ent = {
app_entropy : AP_ENT_PARAMS,
sample_entropy : SA_ENT_PARAMS,
perm_entropy : PE_ENT_PARAMS,
wperm_entropy : WPE_ENT_PARAMS,
# Run simulations, comparing entropy measures
results_ent, all_sim_params_ent = run_comparisons(\
sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures_ent, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Compute correlations across all measures, as well as with & without oscillations
all_corrs_ent = compute_all_corrs(results_ent)
all_corrs_osc_ent = compute_all_corrs(results_ent, all_sim_params_ent['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc_ent = compute_all_corrs(results_ent, ~all_sim_params_ent['has_osc'].values)
# Plot comparisons across entropy measures
cs = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params_ent.has_osc]
plot_results_all(results_ent, figsize=(12, 10), tposition='tl', c=cs,
**dot_kwargs, **fsaver('ent_comp'))

# Print correlations between different entropy measures
ApEn & SampEn: r=+1.000 CI[+0.999, +1.000], p=0.000
ApEn & PeEn : r=+0.883 CI[+0.867, +0.897], p=0.000
ApEn & wPeEn : r=+0.901 CI[+0.887, +0.912], p=0.000
SampEn & PeEn : r=+0.874 CI[+0.857, +0.888], p=0.000
SampEn & wPeEn : r=+0.893 CI[+0.878, +0.905], p=0.000
PeEn & wPeEn : r=+0.997 CI[+0.997, +0.998], p=0.000
Entropy Notes¶
There is generally a fairly high degree of similarity across the different entropy methods - notably, they are all highly positively correlated. The most notable difference is perhaps the degree to which some methods / pairs of methods differentiate more between signals with/without oscillations.
Overall, through these comparisons, we can see that of the included methods, some groupings have similar properties / results, but not all - even within a category there can be notably differences in the results across different data. Overall, this is not too surprising, though these categories are grouped based on having some commonalities, it is not the case that all methods within a category are supposed to estimate the same quantity.