Exponent Comparisons

This notebook compares methods that directly estimate aperiodic exponents, including:

  • spectral parameterization


# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ttest_rel
from neurodsp.sim import (sim_powerlaw, sim_knee, sim_combined,
                          sim_synaptic_current, sim_combined_peak)
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
from bootstrap import bootstrap_corr
# Import custom project code
from apm.io import APMDB
from apm.run import run_comparisons
from apm.methods import irasa, specparam
from apm.methods.settings import (SPECPARAM_PARAMS, SPECPARAM_PARAMS_KNEE,
                                  IRASA_PARAMS, IRASA_PARAMS_KNEE)
from apm.analysis.results import cohens_d
from apm.analysis.error import calculate_errors
from apm.plts import plot_dots
from apm.plts.errors import plot_boxplot_errors, plot_violin_errors
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver
from apm.plts.settings import METHOD_COLORS
from apm.sim.defs import SIM_SAMPLERS
from apm.sim.settings import FS2 as FS
from apm.utils import format_corr


# Update sampling frequency for simulation definition
# Set data specific settings
# Define run settings
# Plot settings
    's' : 10,
    'alpha' : 0.5,
    'color' : '#70706e',
    'xlabel' : 'Aperiodic Exponent (SP)',
    'ylabel' : 'Aperiodic Exponent (IR)',
    'figsize' : (6, 5),

    'labels' : ['SP', 'IR'],
    'palette' : METHOD_COLORS,
    'saturation' : 0.85,
    'width' : 0.7,
    'figsize' : (2.5, 2),
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = APMDB().figs_path / '34_exp_comp'

# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Set the random seed

Collect Methods

# Define measures to apply
measures = {
    specparam : SPECPARAM_PARAMS,
    irasa : IRASA_PARAMS,
measures_knee = {
    specparam : SPECPARAM_PARAMS_KNEE,
    irasa : IRASA_PARAMS_KNEE,

Simulations - Samples Across Aperiodic Signals

# Run simulations, comparing SpecParam & IRASA, sampling across aperiodic exponents
results_ap, sim_params_ap = run_comparisons(\
    sim_powerlaw, SIM_SAMPLERS['exp_sampler'], measures, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Get the simulated exponent values
sim_exps_ap = -sim_params_ap.exponent.values


# Calculate errors of each method, as compared to ground truth simulations
errors_ap = calculate_errors(results_ap, sim_exps_ap)
# Check the errors per method, and the difference between them
for method in errors_ap.keys():
    print('{:10s}\t{:1.4f}'.format(method, np.median(errors_ap[method])))
    np.median(errors_ap['specparam']) - np.median(errors_ap['irasa'])))
specparam 	0.0503
irasa     	0.0195

difference:	0.0308


# Check the statistical difference between measure errors
ttest_rel(errors_ap['specparam'], errors_ap['irasa'])
TtestResult(statistic=25.42327060910109, pvalue=2.3290784200192167e-110, df=999)
# Compute the effect size of the difference between method errors
cohens_d(errors_ap['specparam'], errors_ap['irasa'])


# Plot the errors - violinplot
plot_violin_errors(errors_ap, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS)
# Plot the errors - boxplot
plot_boxplot_errors(errors_ap, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_exp_errors'))
# Plot the comparison between specparam and IRASA
plot_dots(results_ap['specparam'], results_ap['irasa'], tposition='tl', **DOTS_KWARGS,
          expected=[-0.1, 2.75], xlim=[-0.1, 2.7], ylim=[-0.1, 2.7],
# Check correlations
corrs_ap = bootstrap_corr(results_ap['specparam'], results_ap['irasa'])
print('  SP & IR:  ', format_corr(*corrs_ap))
  SP & IR:   r=+0.997  CI[+0.997, +0.997],  p=0.000

Simulations - Samples Across Combined Signals

# Run simulations, comparing SpecParam & IRASA, sampling across combined signal parameters
results_comb, sim_params_comb = run_comparisons(\
    sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Get the simulated exponent values
sim_exps_comb = -sim_params_comb.exponent.values


# Calculate errors of each method, as compared to ground truth simulations
errors_comb = calculate_errors(results_comb, sim_exps_comb)
# Check the errors per method
for method in errors_comb.keys():
    print('{:10s}\t{:1.4f}'.format(method, np.median(errors_comb[method])))
    np.median(errors_comb['specparam']) - np.median(errors_comb['irasa'])))
specparam 	0.0357
irasa     	0.0194

difference:	0.0163


# Check the statistical difference between measure errors
ttest_rel(errors_comb['specparam'], errors_comb['irasa'])
TtestResult(statistic=17.101023541019725, pvalue=1.0559309401684798e-57, df=999)
# Compute the effect size of the difference between method errors
cohens_d(errors_comb['specparam'], errors_comb['irasa'])


# Plot the errors - violinplot
plot_violin_errors(errors_comb, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, ylim=[-0.01, 0.25])
# Plot the errors - boxplot
plot_boxplot_errors(errors_comb, ylim=[-0.01, 0.25],
                    **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_comb_errors'))
# Plot the comparison between specparam and IRASA
plot_dots(results_comb['specparam'], results_comb['irasa'], tposition='tl', **DOTS_KWARGS,
          expected=[-0.1, 2.75], xlim=[-0.1, 2.7], ylim=[-0.1, 2.7], **fsaver('spec_irasa_comb'))
# Check correlations
corrs_comb = bootstrap_corr(results_comb['specparam'], results_comb['irasa'])
print('  SP & IR:  ', format_corr(*corrs_comb))
  SP & IR:   r=+0.998  CI[+0.998, +0.998],  p=0.000

Simulations - Across Timescales (Synaptic Sims)

# Run simulations, comparing SpecParam & IRASA, sampling across timescale values
results_tscale, sim_params_tscale = run_comparisons(\
    sim_synaptic_current, SIM_SAMPLERS['tscale_sampler'],
    measures_knee, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Define the expected aperiodic exponent for the synapse knee model
sim_exps_tscale = np.ones(SIM_SAMPLERS.n_samples) * 2


# Calculate errors of each method, as compared to ground truth simulations
errors_tscale = calculate_errors(results_tscale, sim_exps_tscale)
# Check the errors per method
for method in errors_tscale.keys():
    print('{:10s}\t{:1.4f}'.format(method, np.median(errors_tscale[method])))
    np.median(errors_tscale['specparam']) - np.median(errors_tscale['irasa'])))
specparam 	0.0629
irasa     	0.0669

difference:	-0.0040


# Check the statistical difference between measure errors
ttest_rel(errors_tscale['specparam'], errors_tscale['irasa'])
TtestResult(statistic=-3.7429900350805534, pvalue=0.0001922154900069521, df=999)
# Compute the effect size of the difference between method errors
cohens_d(errors_tscale['specparam'], errors_tscale['irasa'])


# Plot the errors - violinplot
plot_violin_errors(errors_tscale, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS)
# Plot the errors - boxplot
plot_boxplot_errors(errors_tscale, ylim=[-0.01, 0.35], 
                    **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_tscale_errors'))
# Plot the comparison between specparam and IRASA
plot_dots(results_tscale['specparam'], results_tscale['irasa'], tposition='tl',
          expected=[1.45, 2.25], xlim=[1.45, 2.25], ylim=[1.45, 2.25], 
          **DOTS_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_tscale'))
# Check correlations
corrs_knee = bootstrap_corr(results_tscale['specparam'], results_tscale['irasa'])
print('  SP & IR:  ', format_corr(*corrs_knee))
  SP & IR:   r=+0.343  CI[+0.281, +0.404],  p=0.000

Simulations - Across Knees

# Run simulations, comparing SpecParam & IRASA, sampling across knee values
results_knee, sim_params_knee = run_comparisons(\
    sim_knee, SIM_SAMPLERS['knee_sampler'], measures_knee, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Get the simulated exponent values
sim_exps_knee = -1 * sim_params_knee.exponent2.values


# Calculate errors of each method, as compared to ground truth simulations
errors_knee = calculate_errors(results_knee, sim_exps_knee)
# Check the errors per method
for method in errors_knee.keys():
    print('{:10s}\t{:1.4f}'.format(method, np.nanmedian(errors_knee[method])))
    np.nanmedian(errors_knee['specparam']) - np.nanmedian(errors_knee['irasa'])))
specparam 	0.0753
irasa     	0.1110

difference:	-0.0357


# Check the statistical difference between measure errors
ttest_rel(errors_knee['specparam'], errors_knee['irasa'], nan_policy='omit')
TtestResult(statistic=2.137320194161163, pvalue=0.032815205492808926, df=995)
# Compute the effect size of the difference between method errors
cohens_d(errors_knee['specparam'], errors_knee['irasa'])


# Plot the errors - violinplot
plot_violin_errors(errors_knee, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, ylim=[0, 1])
# Plot the errors - boxplot
plot_boxplot_errors(errors_knee, ylim=[-0.01, 0.5],
                    **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_knee_errors'))
# Plot the comparison between specparam and IRASA
plot_dots(results_knee['specparam'], results_knee['irasa'], tposition='tl',
          expected=[0.0, 3.], xlim=[-0.1, 3], ylim=[-0.1, 3], 
          **DOTS_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_knee'))
# Check correlations
corrs_knee = bootstrap_corr(results_tscale['specparam'], results_tscale['irasa'])
print('  SP & IR:  ', format_corr(*corrs_knee))
  SP & IR:   r=+0.343  CI[+0.280, +0.402],  p=0.000

Simulations - Samples Across Peak Signals

# Run simulations, comparing SpecParam & IRASA, sampling across peak signals
results_bw, sim_params_bw = run_comparisons(\
    sim_combined_peak, SIM_SAMPLERS['peak_sampler'], measures, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
# Get the simulated exponent values
sim_exps_bw = -sim_params_bw.exponent.values
# Calculate errors of each method, as compared to ground truth simulations
errors_bw = calculate_errors(results_bw, sim_exps_bw)


# Check the errors per method
for method in errors_bw.keys():
    print('{:10s}\t{:1.4f}'.format(method, np.median(errors_bw[method])))
    np.median(errors_bw['specparam']) - np.median(errors_bw['irasa'])))
specparam 	0.0553
irasa     	0.1377

difference:	-0.0824


# Check the statistical difference between measure errors
ttest_rel(errors_bw['specparam'], errors_bw['irasa'])
TtestResult(statistic=-24.826045176664056, pvalue=2.3264616334450653e-106, df=999)
# Compute the effect size of the difference between method errors
cohens_d(errors_bw['specparam'], errors_bw['irasa'])


# Plot the errors - violinplot
plot_violin_errors(errors_bw, **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS)
# Plot the errors - boxplot
plot_boxplot_errors(errors_bw, ylim=[-0.01, 0.60],
                    **ERROR_PLT_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_bw_errors'))
# Plot the comparison between specparam and IRASA
plot_dots(results_bw['specparam'], results_bw['irasa'], tposition='tl', 
          expected=[-0.25, 3.1], xlim=[-0.25, 3.1], ylim=[-0.25, 3.1],
          **DOTS_KWARGS, **fsaver('spec_irasa_bw'))
# Check correlation
corrs_bw = bootstrap_corr(results_bw['specparam'], results_bw['irasa'])
print('  SP & IR:  ', format_corr(*corrs_bw))
  SP & IR:   r=+0.966  CI[+0.961, +0.969],  p=0.000


Comparing between these methods, overall we can see that:

  • In simple cases (powerlaw + oscillations), specparam and IRASA perform very similarly