Between Method Type Comparisons

This notebook compares across different methods, running them on the same set of simulations, and comparing the results.

Time Domain methods that are compared:

  • Autocorrelation decay rate

  • Hurst exponent

  • Detrended Fluctuation Analysis

  • Higuchi Fractal Dimension

  • Hjorth Complexity

  • Lempel Ziv Complexity

  • Sample Entropy

  • Permutation Entropy

In addition, the above methods are compared to frequency domain methods:

  • Spectral Parameterization

# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from neurodsp.plts.utils import make_axes
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
# Import custom project code
from import APMDB
from import run_comparisons
from apm.analysis import compute_all_corrs, compute_corrs_to_feature, unpack_corrs
from apm.plts import plot_dots, plot_corr_matrix
from apm.plts.multi import plot_results_rows, plot_results_all
from apm.plts.settings import LABELS, COLORS
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver
from apm.methods import (autocorr_decay_time, hurst, dfa, higuchi_fd, hjorth_complexity,
                         lempelziv, sample_entropy, perm_entropy, specparam)
from apm.methods.settings import (AC_DECAY_PARAMS, HURST_PARAMS, DFA_PARAMS, HFD_PARAMS,
                                  HJC_PARAMS, LZ_PARAMS, SA_ENT_PARAMS, PE_ENT_PARAMS)
from apm.sim.defs import SIM_SAMPLERS
from apm.utils import print_all_corrs


# Define settings
f_range = [1, 50]
specparam_kwargs = {'min_peak_height' : 0.05, 'fs' : SIM_SAMPLERS.fs, 'f_range' : f_range}
# Settings for running comparisons
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = APMDB().figs_path / '42_between_comp'

# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Set the random seed

Collect Methods

# Update data specific settings
# Define measures to apply
measures = {
    autocorr_decay_time : AC_DECAY_PARAMS,
    hurst : HURST_PARAMS,
    dfa : DFA_PARAMS,
    higuchi_fd : HFD_PARAMS,
    hjorth_complexity : HJC_PARAMS,
    lempelziv : LZ_PARAMS,
    sample_entropy : SA_ENT_PARAMS,
    perm_entropy : PE_ENT_PARAMS,
    specparam : specparam_kwargs,
# Define measure listings
exp_measures = ['specparam']
drop_measures = ['hurst']

Run Simulations

# Run simulations, comparing specparam exponent to entropy
results, all_sim_params = run_comparisons(\
    sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)

Sim Param

Get mask and values of interest from simulation parameters.

# Get a mask of which simulations have an oscillation
osc_mask = all_sim_params['has_osc'].values

# Get the oscillatory power for all combined sims
osc_powers = all_sim_params['var_pe'].values[osc_mask]


# Compute correlations across all measures
all_corrs = compute_all_corrs(results)
# Compute correlations specific to with & without oscillations
all_corrs_osc = compute_all_corrs(results, all_sim_params['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc = compute_all_corrs(results, ~all_sim_params['has_osc'].values)
# Compute correlations to peak power
peak_corrs = compute_corrs_to_feature(results, all_sim_params['var_pe'].values, osc_mask)

Organize Outputs

# Get list of included time series measures & labels
ts_measures = list(results.keys())
[ts_measures.remove(meas) for meas in exp_measures + drop_measures];
ts_labels = [LABELS[meas] for meas in ts_measures]
# Subselect time domain measures from correlations
all_corrs_ts = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs.items() \
                if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}
all_corrs_ts_osc = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs_osc.items() \
                    if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}
all_corrs_ts_no_osc = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs_no_osc.items() \
                       if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}

Set up plotting things

# Collect colors for each value based on presence of an oscillation
colors = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params.has_osc]
# Collect together info & plot settings
dot_kwargs = {'s' : 25, 'c' : colors, 'alpha' : 0.25}
dot_kwargs_comb = {'s' : 25, 'c' : COLORS['COMB'], 'alpha' : 0.25}

Fluctuations to Complexity

# Plot comparisons between fluctuation and complexity measures
tpos = np.array([['tr', 'tl', 'tl'], ['tl', 'tr', 'tl']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['hurst', 'dfa'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
                  tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, **fsaver('fluc_compl_comp'))
# Check correlations between fluctuations and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['hurst', 'dfa'],
                ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
  HE     & HJC   :   r=-0.166  CI[-0.237, -0.097],  p=0.000
  HE     & LZC   :   r=+0.005  CI[-0.069, +0.077],  p=0.873
  HE     & HFD   :   r=+0.121  CI[+0.051, +0.190],  p=0.000
  DFA    & HJC   :   r=+0.728  CI[+0.690, +0.761],  p=0.000
  DFA    & LZC   :   r=-0.880  CI[-0.891, -0.866],  p=0.000
  DFA    & HFD   :   r=-0.523  CI[-0.574, -0.470],  p=0.000

Fluctuations to Entropy

# Plot comparisons between fluctuation and entropy measures
tpos = np.array([['tl', 'bl'], ['br', 'br']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['hurst', 'dfa'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
                  tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, figsize=(12, 10), **fsaver('info_fluc_comp'))
# Check correlations between fluctuation and entropy measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['hurst', 'dfa'],
                ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'])
  HE     & SampEn:   r=-0.077  CI[-0.152, -0.003],  p=0.015
  HE     & PeEn  :   r=-0.378  CI[-0.435, -0.318],  p=0.000
  DFA    & SampEn:   r=-0.911  CI[-0.919, -0.901],  p=0.000
  DFA    & PeEn  :   r=-0.819  CI[-0.833, -0.802],  p=0.000

Complexity to Entropy

# Plot comparisons between complexity and entropy measures
tpos = np.array([['tr', 'tl', 'tr'], ['tl', 'tl', 'tr']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
                  ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
                  tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, **fsaver('compl_info_comp'))
# Check correlations between entropy and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
                ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
  SampEn & HJC   :   r=-0.820  CI[-0.854, -0.783],  p=0.000
  SampEn & LZC   :   r=+0.986  CI[+0.982, +0.988],  p=0.000
  SampEn & HFD   :   r=+0.723  CI[+0.677, +0.767],  p=0.000
  PeEn   & HJC   :   r=-0.589  CI[-0.636, -0.539],  p=0.000
  PeEn   & LZC   :   r=+0.870  CI[+0.851, +0.886],  p=0.000
  PeEn   & HFD   :   r=+0.504  CI[+0.443, +0.563],  p=0.000

Time Series - All

Compare time series methods to each other.

# Define set of measures to plot in group plot
measures = ['autocorr_decay_time', 'dfa', 'higuchi_fd', 'hjorth_complexity',
            'lempelziv', 'sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy']
# Define text positions for the results panels
tpos = np.array([['br', None, None, None, None, None],
                 ['tr', 'bl', None, None, None, None],
                 ['tl', 'tl', 'tr', None, None, None],
                 ['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', None, None],
                 ['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', 'tl', None],
                 ['br', 'bl', 'br', 'br', 'br', 'br']])
# Plot results across all measures
plot_results_all(results, measures, **dot_kwargs, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01,
                 tposition=tpos, figsize=[18.5, 15], **fsaver('all_comp'))

Correlation Matrices

# Plot the correlations matrix across all time series measures
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
                 xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat'))
# Plot the correlations matrix across time series measures for no oscillation
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts_no_osc), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
                 xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat_no_osc'))
# Plot the correlations matrix across time series measures with an oscillation
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts_osc), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
                 xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat_osc'))

Exponent Comparisons

Exponent to Fluctuations

# Plot comparisons between exponent and fluctuation measures
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['hurst', 'dfa'],
                  **dot_kwargs, tposition='tl', figsize=(9, 4), **fsaver('exp_fluc_comp'))
# Check correlations between exponent and fluctuation measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['hurst', 'dfa'])
  Exp(SP) & HE    :   r=+0.182  CI[+0.109, +0.256],  p=0.000
  Exp(SP) & DFA   :   r=+0.949  CI[+0.941, +0.954],  p=0.000

Exponent to Complexity

# Plot comparisons between exponent and fluctuation measures
tpos = np.array([['tl', 'tr', 'tl']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
                  tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, figsize=(12, 4), **fsaver('exp_compl_comp'))
# Check correlations between exponent and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
  Exp(SP) & HJC   :   r=+0.749  CI[+0.706, +0.790],  p=0.000
  Exp(SP) & LZC   :   r=-0.947  CI[-0.953, -0.938],  p=0.000
  Exp(SP) & HFD   :   r=-0.634  CI[-0.686, -0.578],  p=0.000

Exponent to Entropy

# Plot comparisons between exponent and entropy measures
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
                  **dot_kwargs, tposition='tr', figsize=(10, 4), **fsaver('exp_info_comp'))
# Check correlations between exponent and entropy measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'])
  Exp(SP) & SampEn:   r=-0.977  CI[-0.980, -0.973],  p=0.000
  Exp(SP) & PeEn  :   r=-0.909  CI[-0.918, -0.899],  p=0.000

Exponent to All

# Plot comparison of exponent to all other measures
axes = make_axes(7, 1, figsize=(3.2, 18.5))
tpos = ['tl', 'tl', 'bl', 'tl', 'bl', 'bl', 'bl']
for ind, meas in enumerate(measures):
    plot_dots(results['specparam'], results[meas],
              tposition=tpos[ind], yticks=[],
              xticks=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5] if ind == 6 else [],
              xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent' if ind == 6 else '',
              **dot_kwargs, ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('exp_comp.pdf'))

Correlation Matrices

# Extract the correlations between specparam and time domain measures
exp_corrs = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
exp_corrs_osc = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs_osc['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
exp_corrs_no_osc = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs_no_osc['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs_no_osc, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs_osc, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,

Peak Power Correlations

# Plot relationship between specparam exponent and peak power
plot_dots(osc_powers, results['specparam'][osc_mask], **dot_kwargs_comb, figsize=(4.5, 4))
# Plot comparison of peak power to all other measures
axes = make_axes(7, 1, figsize=(3, 18), hspace=0.35)
tpos = ['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', 'tr', 'br', 'bl']
for ind, meas in enumerate(measures):
    plot_dots(osc_powers, results[meas][osc_mask],
              tposition=tpos[ind], yticks=[], xlim=[0, 1.1],
              xticks=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0] if ind == 6 else [],
              xlabel='Oscillatio Power' if ind == 6 else '',
              **dot_kwargs_comb, ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('peak_comp.pdf'))
# Organize correlation values for plotting peak correlation matrix
peak_corrs_mat = np.atleast_2d([peak_corrs[label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(peak_corrs_mat, cbar=False, **fsaver('peak_corr_mat'))


Comparing between time domain methods, overall we can see that:

  • Fluctuation and complexity measures have varying, and generally non-linear, relationships to each other

  • There is generally (though not exclusively) a positive correlation between entropy measures and complexity measures

  • Entropy is generally negatively correlated to fluctuation measures, though the pattern is non-linear

Comparing time domain methods to exponent, overall we can see that:

  • Hurst and DFA exponent generally increase with increasing aperiodic exponent

  • Hjorth complexity increases, but lempel-ziv and higuchi fractal dimension decrease, with increasing exponent

  • Entropy measures generally decrease with increasing exponent