Between Method Type Comparisons
Between Method Type Comparisons¶
This notebook compares across different methods, running them on the same set of simulations, and comparing the results.
Time Domain methods that are compared:
Autocorrelation decay rate
Hurst exponent
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
Higuchi Fractal Dimension
Hjorth Complexity
Lempel Ziv Complexity
Sample Entropy
Permutation Entropy
In addition, the above methods are compared to frequency domain methods:
Spectral Parameterization
# Setup notebook state
from nbutils import setup_notebook; setup_notebook()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from neurodsp.plts.utils import make_axes
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
# Import custom project code
from import APMDB
from import run_comparisons
from apm.analysis import compute_all_corrs, compute_corrs_to_feature, unpack_corrs
from apm.plts import plot_dots, plot_corr_matrix
from apm.plts.multi import plot_results_rows, plot_results_all
from apm.plts.settings import LABELS, COLORS
from apm.plts.utils import figsaver
from apm.methods import (autocorr_decay_time, hurst, dfa, higuchi_fd, hjorth_complexity,
lempelziv, sample_entropy, perm_entropy, specparam)
from apm.methods.settings import (AC_DECAY_PARAMS, HURST_PARAMS, DFA_PARAMS, HFD_PARAMS,
from apm.sim.defs import SIM_SAMPLERS
from apm.utils import print_all_corrs
# Define settings
f_range = [1, 50]
specparam_kwargs = {'min_peak_height' : 0.05, 'fs' : SIM_SAMPLERS.fs, 'f_range' : f_range}
# Settings for running comparisons
# Settings for saving figures
FIGPATH = APMDB().figs_path / '42_between_comp'
# Create helper function to manage figsaver settings
fsaver = figsaver(SAVE_FIG, FIGPATH)
# Set the random seed
Collect Methods¶
# Update data specific settings
# Define measures to apply
measures = {
autocorr_decay_time : AC_DECAY_PARAMS,
higuchi_fd : HFD_PARAMS,
hjorth_complexity : HJC_PARAMS,
lempelziv : LZ_PARAMS,
sample_entropy : SA_ENT_PARAMS,
perm_entropy : PE_ENT_PARAMS,
specparam : specparam_kwargs,
# Define measure listings
exp_measures = ['specparam']
drop_measures = ['hurst']
Run Simulations¶
# Run simulations, comparing specparam exponent to entropy
results, all_sim_params = run_comparisons(\
sim_combined, SIM_SAMPLERS['comb_sampler'], measures, return_params=RETURN_PARAMS)
Sim Param¶
Get mask and values of interest from simulation parameters.
# Get a mask of which simulations have an oscillation
osc_mask = all_sim_params['has_osc'].values
# Get the oscillatory power for all combined sims
osc_powers = all_sim_params['var_pe'].values[osc_mask]
# Compute correlations across all measures
all_corrs = compute_all_corrs(results)
# Compute correlations specific to with & without oscillations
all_corrs_osc = compute_all_corrs(results, all_sim_params['has_osc'].values)
all_corrs_no_osc = compute_all_corrs(results, ~all_sim_params['has_osc'].values)
# Compute correlations to peak power
peak_corrs = compute_corrs_to_feature(results, all_sim_params['var_pe'].values, osc_mask)
Organize Outputs¶
# Get list of included time series measures & labels
ts_measures = list(results.keys())
[ts_measures.remove(meas) for meas in exp_measures + drop_measures];
ts_labels = [LABELS[meas] for meas in ts_measures]
# Subselect time domain measures from correlations
all_corrs_ts = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs.items() \
if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}
all_corrs_ts_osc = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs_osc.items() \
if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}
all_corrs_ts_no_osc = {ke : va for ke, va in all_corrs_no_osc.items() \
if ke not in exp_measures + drop_measures}
Set up plotting things¶
# Collect colors for each value based on presence of an oscillation
colors = [COLORS['COMB'] if osc else COLORS['AP'] for osc in all_sim_params.has_osc]
# Collect together info & plot settings
dot_kwargs = {'s' : 25, 'c' : colors, 'alpha' : 0.25}
dot_kwargs_comb = {'s' : 25, 'c' : COLORS['COMB'], 'alpha' : 0.25}
Fluctuations to Complexity¶
# Plot comparisons between fluctuation and complexity measures
tpos = np.array([['tr', 'tl', 'tl'], ['tl', 'tr', 'tl']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['hurst', 'dfa'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, **fsaver('fluc_compl_comp'))

# Check correlations between fluctuations and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['hurst', 'dfa'],
['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
HE & HJC : r=-0.166 CI[-0.237, -0.097], p=0.000
HE & LZC : r=+0.005 CI[-0.069, +0.077], p=0.873
HE & HFD : r=+0.121 CI[+0.051, +0.190], p=0.000
DFA & HJC : r=+0.728 CI[+0.690, +0.761], p=0.000
DFA & LZC : r=-0.880 CI[-0.891, -0.866], p=0.000
DFA & HFD : r=-0.523 CI[-0.574, -0.470], p=0.000
Fluctuations to Entropy¶
# Plot comparisons between fluctuation and entropy measures
tpos = np.array([['tl', 'bl'], ['br', 'br']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['hurst', 'dfa'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, figsize=(12, 10), **fsaver('info_fluc_comp'))

# Check correlations between fluctuation and entropy measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['hurst', 'dfa'],
['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'])
HE & SampEn: r=-0.077 CI[-0.152, -0.003], p=0.015
HE & PeEn : r=-0.378 CI[-0.435, -0.318], p=0.000
DFA & SampEn: r=-0.911 CI[-0.919, -0.901], p=0.000
DFA & PeEn : r=-0.819 CI[-0.833, -0.802], p=0.000
Complexity to Entropy¶
# Plot comparisons between complexity and entropy measures
tpos = np.array([['tr', 'tl', 'tr'], ['tl', 'tl', 'tr']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, **fsaver('compl_info_comp'))

# Check correlations between entropy and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
SampEn & HJC : r=-0.820 CI[-0.854, -0.783], p=0.000
SampEn & LZC : r=+0.986 CI[+0.982, +0.988], p=0.000
SampEn & HFD : r=+0.723 CI[+0.677, +0.767], p=0.000
PeEn & HJC : r=-0.589 CI[-0.636, -0.539], p=0.000
PeEn & LZC : r=+0.870 CI[+0.851, +0.886], p=0.000
PeEn & HFD : r=+0.504 CI[+0.443, +0.563], p=0.000
Time Series - All¶
Compare time series methods to each other.
# Define set of measures to plot in group plot
measures = ['autocorr_decay_time', 'dfa', 'higuchi_fd', 'hjorth_complexity',
'lempelziv', 'sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy']
# Define text positions for the results panels
tpos = np.array([['br', None, None, None, None, None],
['tr', 'bl', None, None, None, None],
['tl', 'tl', 'tr', None, None, None],
['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', None, None],
['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', 'tl', None],
['br', 'bl', 'br', 'br', 'br', 'br']])
# Plot results across all measures
plot_results_all(results, measures, **dot_kwargs, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01,
tposition=tpos, figsize=[18.5, 15], **fsaver('all_comp'))

Correlation Matrices¶
# Plot the correlations matrix across all time series measures
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat'))

# Plot the correlations matrix across time series measures for no oscillation
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts_no_osc), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat_no_osc'))

# Plot the correlations matrix across time series measures with an oscillation
plot_corr_matrix(unpack_corrs(all_corrs_ts_osc), cbar=False, figsize=(6, 6), alpha=0.75,
xticklabels=ts_labels, yticklabels=ts_labels, **fsaver('corr_mat_osc'))

Exponent Comparisons¶
Exponent to Fluctuations¶
# Plot comparisons between exponent and fluctuation measures
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['hurst', 'dfa'],
**dot_kwargs, tposition='tl', figsize=(9, 4), **fsaver('exp_fluc_comp'))

# Check correlations between exponent and fluctuation measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['hurst', 'dfa'])
Exp(SP) & HE : r=+0.182 CI[+0.109, +0.256], p=0.000
Exp(SP) & DFA : r=+0.949 CI[+0.941, +0.954], p=0.000
Exponent to Complexity¶
# Plot comparisons between exponent and fluctuation measures
tpos = np.array([['tl', 'tr', 'tl']])
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'],
tposition=tpos, **dot_kwargs, figsize=(12, 4), **fsaver('exp_compl_comp'))

# Check correlations between exponent and complexity measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['hjorth_complexity', 'lempelziv', 'higuchi_fd'])
Exp(SP) & HJC : r=+0.749 CI[+0.706, +0.790], p=0.000
Exp(SP) & LZC : r=-0.947 CI[-0.953, -0.938], p=0.000
Exp(SP) & HFD : r=-0.634 CI[-0.686, -0.578], p=0.000
Exponent to Entropy¶
# Plot comparisons between exponent and entropy measures
plot_results_rows(results, ['specparam'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'],
**dot_kwargs, tposition='tr', figsize=(10, 4), **fsaver('exp_info_comp'))

# Check correlations between exponent and entropy measures
print_all_corrs(all_corrs, ['specparam'], ['sample_entropy', 'perm_entropy'])
Exp(SP) & SampEn: r=-0.977 CI[-0.980, -0.973], p=0.000
Exp(SP) & PeEn : r=-0.909 CI[-0.918, -0.899], p=0.000
Exponent to All¶
# Plot comparison of exponent to all other measures
axes = make_axes(7, 1, figsize=(3.2, 18.5))
tpos = ['tl', 'tl', 'bl', 'tl', 'bl', 'bl', 'bl']
for ind, meas in enumerate(measures):
plot_dots(results['specparam'], results[meas],
tposition=tpos[ind], yticks=[],
xticks=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5] if ind == 6 else [],
xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent' if ind == 6 else '',
**dot_kwargs, ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('exp_comp.pdf'))

Correlation Matrices¶
# Extract the correlations between specparam and time domain measures
exp_corrs = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
exp_corrs_osc = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs_osc['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
exp_corrs_no_osc = np.atleast_2d([all_corrs_no_osc['specparam'][label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,

# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs_no_osc, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,

# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(exp_corrs_osc, cbar=False, alpha=0.75,

Peak Power Correlations¶
# Plot relationship between specparam exponent and peak power
plot_dots(osc_powers, results['specparam'][osc_mask], **dot_kwargs_comb, figsize=(4.5, 4))

# Plot comparison of peak power to all other measures
axes = make_axes(7, 1, figsize=(3, 18), hspace=0.35)
tpos = ['tr', 'tr', 'tl', 'tr', 'tr', 'br', 'bl']
for ind, meas in enumerate(measures):
plot_dots(osc_powers, results[meas][osc_mask],
tposition=tpos[ind], yticks=[], xlim=[0, 1.1],
xticks=[0.0, 0.5, 1.0] if ind == 6 else [],
xlabel='Oscillatio Power' if ind == 6 else '',
**dot_kwargs_comb, ax=axes[ind])
if SAVE_FIG: plt.savefig(FIGPATH / ('peak_comp.pdf'))

# Organize correlation values for plotting peak correlation matrix
peak_corrs_mat = np.atleast_2d([peak_corrs[label][0] for label in ts_measures]).T
# Plot correlations between exponent and time domain measures
plot_corr_matrix(peak_corrs_mat, cbar=False, **fsaver('peak_corr_mat'))

Comparing between time domain methods, overall we can see that:
Fluctuation and complexity measures have varying, and generally non-linear, relationships to each other
There is generally (though not exclusively) a positive correlation between entropy measures and complexity measures
Entropy is generally negatively correlated to fluctuation measures, though the pattern is non-linear
Comparing time domain methods to exponent, overall we can see that:
Hurst and DFA exponent generally increase with increasing aperiodic exponent
Hjorth complexity increases, but lempel-ziv and higuchi fractal dimension decrease, with increasing exponent
Entropy measures generally decrease with increasing exponent