Complexity Measures

This notebooks runs complexity metrics on time series signals.

This notebook includes:

  • Hjorth parameters

  • Lempel-Ziv complexity

  • Fractal dimension measures

Note that while entropy measures can be considered as mesaured of complexity, they are considered in a separate notebook.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from neurodsp.sim import sim_powerlaw, sim_synaptic_current, sim_combined
from neurodsp.utils import set_random_seed
from neurodsp.aperiodic.conversions import convert_exponent_hfd

from antropy import lziv_complexity
# Import custom code
import sys; from pathlib import Path

from import run_sims
from apm.methods import (hjorth_activity, hjorth_mobility, hjorth_complexity, 
                         lempelziv, higuchi_fd, petrosian_fd, katz_fd)
from apm.methods.settings import LZ_PARAMS
from apm.plts import plot_lines
from apm.plts.settings import AP_COL, COMB_COL
from apm.sim.examples import SIG_AP, SIG_KN, SIG_OSC, SIG_COMB


# Set the random seed
# Notebooks
SAVE_FIG = False

Hjorth Parameters

Hjorth parameters are statistical properties that can be used to characterize EEG data.

The Hjorth measures are:

  • activity: represents the signal power, computed as the variance of the time series

  • mobility: represents the mean frequency of the power spectrum

  • complexity: represents the change in frequency

Compute Hjorth Parameters on Examples Signals

Note that the simulated signals are normalized to a variance of one, which is why the Hjorth activity is the same for all.

Powerlaw Signal

# Check the calculated Hjorth activity values across some example signals
print('Computed Hjorth activity:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_activity(SIG_AP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:6.4f}'.format(hjorth_activity(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_activity(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_activity(SIG_KN)))
Computed Hjorth activity:
  powerlaw: 	 1.0000
  osc:      	 1.0000
  combined: 	 1.0000
  knee:     	 1.0000
# Check the calculated Hjorth mobility values across some example signals
print('Computed Hjorth mobility:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_mobility(SIG_AP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:6.4f}'.format(hjorth_mobility(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_mobility(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_mobility(SIG_KN)))
Computed Hjorth mobility:
  powerlaw: 	 0.1281
  osc:      	 0.0628
  combined: 	 0.2453
  knee:     	 0.4362
# Check the calculated Hjorth mobility values across some example signals
print('Computed Hjorth complexity:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_complexity(SIG_AP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:6.4f}'.format(hjorth_complexity(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_complexity(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(hjorth_complexity(SIG_KN)))
Computed Hjorth complexity:
  powerlaw: 	 11.4881
  osc:      	 1.0001
  combined: 	 5.9377
  knee:     	 3.3120

Hjorth Parameters: Aperiodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating Hjorth measures across exponents
outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, hjorth_mobility, {},
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjm_sims_exp, hjm_sims_exp_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, hjorth_complexity, {},
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjc_sims_exp, hjc_sims_exp_var = outs
# Run a set of simulations, calculating Hjorth measures across exponents with an oscillation
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_mobility, {},
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjm_sims_comb, hjm_sims_comb_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_complexity, {},
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjc_sims_comb, hjc_sims_comb_var = outs
# Plot Hjorth mobility across exponents
plot_lines(EXPS, hjm_sims_exp, hjm_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, hjm_sims_comb, hjm_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Hjorth Mobility')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hjm_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot Hjorth complexity across exponents with an oscillation present
plot_lines(EXPS, hjc_sims_exp, hjc_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, hjc_sims_comb, hjc_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Hjorth Complexity')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hjc_both', file_path='complexity')

Hjorth Parameters: Periodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across oscillation frequency
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_mobility, {},
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjm_sims_freq, hjm_sims_freq_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_complexity, {},
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjc_sims_freq, hjc_sims_freq_var = outs
# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across oscillation power
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_mobility, {},
            'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjm_sims_pow, hjm_sims_pow_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, hjorth_complexity, {},
                'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hjc_sims_pow, hjc_sims_pow_var = outs
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on Hjorth mobility
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, hjm_sims_freq, hjm_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Hjorth Mobility', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, hjm_sims_pow, hjm_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Hjorth Mobility', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hjm_osc_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on Hjorth complexity
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, hjm_sims_freq, hjm_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Hjorth Complexity', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, hjm_sims_pow, hjm_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Hjorth Complexity', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hjc_osc_both', file_path='complexity')

Lempel-Ziv Complexity

Lempel-Ziv (LZ) complexity is a measure of the complexity of a time series that is sometimes applied to EEG data.

Note that the LZ algorithm is defined for binary sequences.

To apply this measure to neural time series, we binarize the signal by calculating whether each point is above or below the median of the time series.

# Check Lempel-Ziv complexity parameters
{'normalize': False}
# Example of applying LZ complexity to a binarized signal
bin_sig = np.array(SIG_AP > np.median(SIG_AP)).astype(int)

Calculating Lempel-Ziv Complexity on Example Signals

# Check Lempel-Ziv complexity measures on example signals
print('Lempel-Ziv complexity:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:5d}'.format(lempelziv(SIG_AP, **LZ_PARAMS)))
print('  osc:      \t {:5d}'.format(lempelziv(SIG_OSC, **LZ_PARAMS)))
print('  combined: \t {:5d}'.format(lempelziv(SIG_COMB, **LZ_PARAMS)))
print('  knee:     \t {:5d}'.format(lempelziv(SIG_KN, **LZ_PARAMS)))
Lempel-Ziv complexity:
  powerlaw: 	   395
  osc:      	     5
  combined: 	   708
  knee:     	  1115

Aperiodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating LZ complexity across exponents
outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, lempelziv, LZ_PARAMS,
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
lz_sims_exp, lz_sims_exp_var = outs

# Run a set of simulations, calculating LZ complexity across exponents with an oscillation
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, lempelziv, LZ_PARAMS,
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
lz_sims_comb, lz_sims_comb_var = outs
# Plot LZ complexity measures
plot_lines(EXPS, lz_sims_exp, lz_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, lz_sims_comb, lz_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Lempel-Ziv Complexity')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='lz_both', file_path='complexity')

Periodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating LZ complexity across oscillation frequency
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, lempelziv, LZ_PARAMS,
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
lz_sims_freq, lz_sims_freq_var = outs
# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across oscillation power
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, lempelziv, LZ_PARAMS,
                'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
lz_sims_pow, lz_sims_pow_var = outs
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on LZ complexity
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, lz_sims_freq, lz_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Lempel-Ziv Complexity', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, lz_sims_pow, lz_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Lempel-Ziv Complexity', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='lz_osc_both', file_path='complexity')

Fractal Dimensions

Calculate measures of fractal dimension on time series.

Fractal dimension measures:

  • Higuchi Fractal Dimension

  • Petrosian Fractal Dimension

  • Katz Fractal Dimension

Calculating Fractal Dimension on Example Signals

# Check Higuchi fractal dimension measures on example signals
print('Higuchi fractal dimension:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f} \t {:1.2f}'.format(higuchi_fd(SIG_AP), convert_exponent_hfd(-EXP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:1.4f}'.format(higuchi_fd(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(higuchi_fd(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(higuchi_fd(SIG_KN)))
Higuchi fractal dimension:
  powerlaw: 	 1.6557 	 1.75
  osc:      	 1.0069
  combined: 	 1.6112
  knee:     	 1.5784
# Check Katz fractal dimension measures on example signals
print('Katz fractal dimension:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f}'.format(katz_fd(SIG_AP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:1.4f}'.format(katz_fd(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(katz_fd(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(katz_fd(SIG_KN)))
Katz fractal dimension:
  powerlaw: 	 2.8828
  osc:      	 3.2026
  combined: 	 3.1405
  knee:     	 3.8000
# Check Petrosian fractal dimension measures on example signals
print('Petrosian fractal dimension:')
print('  powerlaw: \t {:1.4f}'.format(petrosian_fd(SIG_AP)))
print('  osc:      \t {:1.4f}'.format(petrosian_fd(SIG_OSC)))
print('  combined: \t {:1.4f}'.format(petrosian_fd(SIG_COMB)))
print('  knee:     \t {:1.4f}'.format(petrosian_fd(SIG_KN)))
Petrosian fractal dimension:
  powerlaw: 	 1.0189
  osc:      	 1.0008
  combined: 	 1.0185
  knee:     	 1.0185

Fractal Dimension: Aperiodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across exponents
outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, higuchi_fd, {},
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hfd_sims_exp, hfd_sims_exp_var = outs
outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, katz_fd, {},
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
kfd_sims_exp, kfd_sims_exp_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_powerlaw, SIM_PARAMS_AP, petrosian_fd, {},
                'update_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
pfd_sims_exp, pfd_sims_exp_var = outs
# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across exponents with an oscillation
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, higuchi_fd, {},
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hfd_sims_comb, hfd_sims_comb_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, katz_fd, {},
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
kfd_sims_comb, kfd_sims_comb_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, petrosian_fd, {},
                'update_comb_exp', EXPS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
pfd_sims_comb, pfd_sims_comb_var = outs
# Plot Higuchi fractal dimension measures
plot_lines(EXPS, hfd_sims_exp, hfd_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, hfd_sims_comb, hfd_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Higuchi Fractal Dimension')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hfd_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot Katz fractal dimension measures
plot_lines(EXPS, kfd_sims_exp, kfd_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, kfd_sims_comb, kfd_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Katz Fractal Dimension')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='kfd_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot Petrosian fractal dimension measures
plot_lines(EXPS, pfd_sims_exp, pfd_sims_exp_var, color=AP_COL, label='Aperiodic')
plot_lines(EXPS, pfd_sims_comb, pfd_sims_comb_var, color=COMB_COL, label='Combined')
plot_lines(xlabel='Aperiodic Exponent', ylabel='Petrosian Fractal Dimension')
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='pfd_both', file_path='complexity')

Fractal Dimension: Periodic Variations

# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across oscillation frequency
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, higuchi_fd, {},
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hfd_sims_freq, hfd_sims_freq_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, katz_fd, {},
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
kfd_sims_freq, kfd_sims_freq_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, petrosian_fd, {},
                'update_freq', FREQS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
pfd_sims_freq, pfd_sims_freq_var = outs
# Run a set of simulations, calculating fractal dimension across oscillation power
outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, higuchi_fd, {},
                'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
hfd_sims_pow, hfd_sims_pow_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, katz_fd, {},
                'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
kfd_sims_pow, kfd_sims_pow_var = outs

outs = run_sims(sim_combined, SIM_PARAMS_COMB, petrosian_fd, {},
                'update_pow', POWERS, N_SIMS, var_func=np.std)
pfd_sims_pow, pfd_sims_pow_var = outs
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on Higuchi fractal dimension
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, hfd_sims_freq, hfd_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Highuchi Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, hfd_sims_pow, hfd_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Highuchi Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='hfd_osc_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on Katz fractal dimension
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, kfd_sims_freq, kfd_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Katz Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, kfd_sims_pow, kfd_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Katz Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='kfd_osc_both', file_path='complexity')
# Plot effect of oscillation variation on Petrosian fractal dimension
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
plot_lines(FREQS, pfd_sims_freq, pfd_sims_freq_var, ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Frequency', ylabel='Petrosian Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[0])
plot_lines(POWERS, pfd_sims_pow, pfd_sims_pow_var, ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(xlabel='Oscillation Power', ylabel='Petrosian Fractal Dimension', ax=axes[1])
plot_lines(save_fig=SAVE_FIG, file_name='pfd_osc_both', file_path='complexity')


Overall, we can see the following patterns in these simulations:

Hjorth Parameters:

  • mobility increases with decreasing aperiodic exponent (non-linearly) & increases with oscillation frequency & power

  • complexity decreases with decreasing aperiodic exponent (non-linearly) & decreases with oscillation frequency & power

Lempel-Ziv Complexity:

  • increases with decreasing aperiodic exponent, non-linearly

  • increases with increasing oscillation frequency, approximately linearly

  • decreases with increasing oscillation power, approximately linearly

Fractal dimension measures (general patterns, across all three):

  • increase with decreasing aperiodic exponent, non-linearly

  • decreases with increasing oscillations frequency or power, mixed patterns